Art of Parenting

If your child is between the age of 1 to 25 this workshop is especially for you.

Art of Parenting Program is specially Design for Parents. The session explores the purpose of parenting. Parents realize the unlimited potential of their child and are provided with implementable strategies and means to nurturing this potential. If your child is between the age of 1 to 25 this workshop is especially for you.

In today’s time when parents work hard to earn more money to fulfil their child’s demand and provide him good education, they are facing problems in upbringing their child with right values. It’s not lack of love, money or understanding but we as a parent don’t have right psychological approach to tackle the child.

All children are unique in the way they process information and learn things from their parents. There are no weak or untalented children. They are just children and each of them are born for a unique purpose. Educate yourself to educate your child. Parenting is not advising, not ordering, not doing things for your kid, not forcing. Your education books did not teach your child psychology, that’s why you respond the same way your parents did. No one taught your parents, child psychology… Someone needs to break this chain & upgrade with time because new generation children are more advanced than ever. Parents have a huge part to play in understanding & supporting their children’s emotional & social needs. Packed with expert advice, key strategies & examples of positive parenting, Abhijeetsinh Jadeja reveals the secrets of raising happy, confident & well-adjusted children.


Why Parenting Program ?

Take the time to find a practical solution to each of the above problems for our child

Benefits of Parenting Program

What You Will Learn in This Parenting Program